Enable tethering on a VZW Droid4:
use aSQLiteManager/aShell to edit:
entitlement.check = 0
Mostly about adventures with programming, focused on data processing/SQL and web apps/Python in general, but sometimes about Operating systems, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SAP and Audit Command Language.
where is the backup su stored by Voodoo OTA RootKeeper?
When you make a backup of su in Voodoo OTA RootKeeper 2.0.3 on Android 4.1.2 where does it go?
I took a statically-linked version of an su which literally just changes the uid to 0 when its run setuid and stuck it there too, named unrestricted-su (it doesn't linkup with SuperSU for privilege prompts or anything).
Note this only works on Android < 4.2 since 4.3 mounts /system setuid and does not allow dalvik zygotes to run setuid binaries.
I took a statically-linked version of an su which literally just changes the uid to 0 when its run setuid and stuck it there too, named unrestricted-su (it doesn't linkup with SuperSU for privilege prompts or anything).
Note this only works on Android < 4.2 since 4.3 mounts /system setuid and does not allow dalvik zygotes to run setuid binaries.
Forcing windows 8.1 to install google usb drivers for adb access
I had the following problem: I had a Android phone without drivers, and it could not be recognized by the Windows 8.1. Neither as phone, neither as USB storage device. I searched Device manager. I opened Device manager, I right click on Android Phone->Android Composite Interface. I selected "Update Driver Software" I choose "Browse My Computer for Driver Software" Then I choose "Let me pick from a list of devices" I selected "USB Composite Device" A new USB device is added to the list, and I can connect to my phone using adb and Android SDK. Also I can use the phone as storage device. Good luck
Get the DDL for a table in MS SQL Server
Query 1 gets you the actual column lengths from
Query 2 gets you column names too but preserves the column order of the referenced table: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1054984/how-can-i-get-column-names-from-a-table-in-sql-server
Use the above 2 queries as CTLs and join Query 1 to Query 2 to get full DDL in the correct order.
SELECT sh.name+'.'+o.name AS ObjectName ,o.type_desc AS ObjectType ,s.name as ColumnName ,CASE WHEN t.name IN ('char','varchar') THEN t.name+'('+CASE WHEN s.max_length<0 then 'MAX' ELSE CONVERT(varchar(10),s.max_length) END+')' WHEN t.name IN ('nvarchar','nchar') THEN t.name+'('+CASE WHEN s.max_length<0 then 'MAX' ELSE CONVERT(varchar(10),s.max_length/2) END+')' WHEN t.name IN ('numeric') THEN t.name+'('+CONVERT(varchar(10),s.precision)+','+CONVERT(varchar(10),s.scale)+')' ELSE t.name END AS DataType ,CASE WHEN s.is_nullable=1 THEN 'NULL' ELSE 'NOT NULL' END AS Nullable ,CASE WHEN ic.column_id IS NULL THEN '' ELSE ' identity('+ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(10),ic.seed_value),'')+','+ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(10),ic.increment_value),'')+')='+ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(10),ic.last_value),'null') END +CASE WHEN sc.column_id IS NULL THEN '' ELSE ' computed('+ISNULL(sc.definition,'')+')' END +CASE WHEN cc.object_id IS NULL THEN '' ELSE ' check('+ISNULL(cc.definition,'')+')' END AS MiscInfo FROM sys.columns s INNER JOIN sys.types t ON s.system_type_id=t.system_type_id and t.is_user_defined=0 INNER JOIN sys.objects o ON s.object_id=o.object_id INNER JOIN sys.schemas sh on o.schema_id=sh.schema_id LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.identity_columns ic ON s.object_id=ic.object_id AND s.column_id=ic.column_id LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.computed_columns sc ON s.object_id=sc.object_id AND s.column_id=sc.column_id LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.check_constraints cc ON s.object_id=cc.parent_object_id AND s.column_id=cc.parent_column_id WHERE o.name='YourTableName' order by 1,s.column_id
Query 2 gets you column names too but preserves the column order of the referenced table: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1054984/how-can-i-get-column-names-from-a-table-in-sql-server
SELECT o.Name as Table_Name , c.Name as Field_Name , t.Name as Data_Type , t.length as Length_Size , t.prec as Precision_ FROM syscolumns c INNER JOIN sysobjects o ON o.id = c.id LEFT JOIN systypes t on t.xtype = c.xtype WHERE o.type = 'U' and o.Name = 'ctpt_upsebill_load' --ORDER BY o.Name, c.Name
Use the above 2 queries as CTLs and join Query 1 to Query 2 to get full DDL in the correct order.
Read file pattern (Python)
Here's a pattern that I've been using a lot to read files in Python 2.7:
import codecs badrow_count = 0 goodrow_count = 0 rowcount = 0 filename = "somefile.txt" encoding = "utf-8" # see https://docs.python.org/2/library/codecs.html#standard-encodings # for encodings decode_error_handler = 'strict' # this is the default # see https://docs.python.org/2/library/codecs.html#codec-base-classes # for decoding error callbacks f = codecs.open(filename=filename, mode='rU', encoding=encoding, errors=decode_error_handler) eof = False while not eof: row = u'' try: row = f.next() except UnicodeDecodeError as e: badrow_count += 1 # do other things on this row except StopIteration: eof = True #except Exception as e: # handle other issues else: goodrow_count += 1 # do other stuff with row finally: if not eof: rowcounter += 1 else: breakI prefer this to:
for row in f:primarily in order to catch unicode decoder errors.
postgresql unpivot
Given a monthly currency conversion table like:
I need to unpivot so that I get a table that is:
iso4127_code | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
JPY | 0.009613 | 0.009792 | 0.009778 | 0.009757 | 0.009827 | 0.009790 | 0.009829 | 0.009717 | 0.009346 | 0.009262 | 0.008606 | 0.008375 |
I need to unpivot so that I get a table that is:
iso4127_code | month | rate |
JPY | 1 | 0.009613 |
JPY | 2 | 0.009792 |
... |
select iso4127_code, unnest(array[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]) as month, unnest(array[jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec]) as rate from table
Strip HTML tags using regex
While for proper Markup Language parsing one should actually use an XML parser, sometimes you just want to strip all the markup using regex:
Query AD using ldapsearch
(Useful for troubleshooting AD logons if you have cygwin:
Now at: http://jurjenbokma.com/ApprenticesNotes/ldapsearch_ad_query.xhtml
to force TLS_REQCERT never:
LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never ldapsearch ...
Now at: http://jurjenbokma.com/ApprenticesNotes/ldapsearch_ad_query.xhtml
to force TLS_REQCERT never:
LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never ldapsearch ...
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